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Words By Tara Wagner

3 Sloppy Habits That Destroy Your Confidence Building Efforts

Tara sitting at window table in coffee shop, smiling on a laptop

Let’s talk about 3 sloppy habits that destroy your confidence, slow your goals, and leave you overwhelmed and underpaid and how to build your confidence.

Watch here:

3 Sloppy Habits That Destroy Your Confidence Building Efforts Share on X

When we are struggling in our business, it almost always comes down to BELIEF.

 Belief in ourselves. Belief in our abilities. Belief in our plans.

Think about the challenges you’re facing in your biz right now…

  • Are you struggling to hire, delegate, and lead a team?
  • Are your sales numbers falling short?
  • Are your books a mess?
  • Are you overwhelmed with all the projects?
  • Are you just not taking action or getting distracted too easily?

Now ask yourself… How is my own self-belief influencing my actions and reactions around this issue?

I would like to set the record straight and share 3 bad habits you absolutely must stop doing that are most definitely eroding your efforts and talk get a conversation going on how to build confidence.

Scroll up to watch the video or click here!

If you’re noticing these habits and don’t know how to shift them, or aren’t sure what the most effective route to take is I encourage you to check out what coaching with me looks like and check out some of the offers I have to see if we’d be a good fit.

Where to start

Grab my free training Bottlenecks to Breakthroughs. It’s going to teach you my breakthrough formula so you can get an idea of how I actually help people change their mindsets and change their beliefs.

You can learn more here or grab it by clicking the link below.

What about you, boss lady?

What are YOUR bad habits that are destroying your confidence-boosting efforts?

Scroll to leave your comments below.


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About the author

Picture of Tara Wagner
Tara Wagner
I’m Tara Wagner, creator of the Breakthrough Boss®. I help small biz owners overcome burnout and create part-time schedules with full-time profits. Not with some new marketing strategy, but with a holistic approach to how you operate. Click here to learn more.
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