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Words By Tara Wagner

3 Essential Oils for Waking Up with Energy, Alertness, + Positivity

Motivate Encouraging Blend Marble Background with Picture of affirmationss "i turn every experience into an opportunity"
Elevation essential oil

We all know that how we start our day tends to dictate how our day goes. In my last couple blogs, I’ve been talking about self-care for the self-employed, specifically around morning routines, and shared that I use essential oils in mine. So in this blog, I want to talk about the top 3 essential oils for waking up, including what I use on almost a daily basis.

So if you’re looking for a smell-good hack to leave you with more energy and positivity to kick some booty in your day, hit that like button and let’s get oily.

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3 Essential Oils for Waking Up with Energy, Alertness, + Positivity Share on X

Today, we are continuing the conversation of self-care for the self-employed, talking about starting our day with the right mindset, and nurturing our own needs first before we start responding to the needs of everything and everyone around us.

I especially love what I’m about to show you because most of us don’t have a lot of time for self-care. But even if you don’t, these are tools and strategies that you can implement in just a couple of seconds to help set your mood, set your mindset, support your health, support your energy, and start your day on the right foot.

doTERRA peppermint essential oil bottle standing upright

#1 – Peppermint

The first essential oil for waking up is Peppermint.

Most people know that Peppermint is very stimulating to the senses. It clears up your sinuses, so if you wake up stuffy, that’s also really helpful, but it’s just incredibly energizing.

Emotionally, it’s all about putting that pep in your step, having the buoyancy in your heart, feeling good, feeling energized, feeling like you can take on the day with fun. You can get this as an undiluted bottle, but then you’re going to want to dilute it. dōTERRA also sells that as a pre-diluted bottle just to make it super convenient.

To use this, you’re going to want to massage it on the points between your pointer finger and your thumb, so right at the base of your thumb, as well as the back of your neck. These are the acupressure points to help you to wake up.

I’d also recommend using it with some of your favorite affirmations or even just some self-talk about how you want to approach your day or what kind of day you want to have.

If you’re looking for some ideas for affirmations that you can use with Peppermint, click here.

Motivate Encouraging Blend Marble Background with Picture of affirmationss "i turn every experience into an opportunity"

#2 – Motivate

Oil number two is Motivate, Motivate, Motivate.

This is one of my favorite oils. This is the one that I diffuse in the bathroom every single morning. It fills up the bathroom with citrus and mints, which is what’s in this blend. And by the time I’m taking a shower and I’m getting ready for my day, I am just totally awake. I’m energized. I’m motivated. I’m usually listening to something that’s really encouraging, or inspiring, or just something I’m really enjoying, an audio book. This is just really helping gear my brain and my body up for my day.

I have already done a deep dive on this oil. If you want to know more about what’s in it, the emotional properties, the physical properties, you can check that out here.

In terms of how you’ll use this oil, you’ll do the same thing.

  • You can use it on the base of the thumb again.
  • You can use it behind the head.
  • You can also just diffuse it like I do. That’s generally my favorite.
  • You can put it on your pulse points and then rub those together.

Then, you just sit and inhale for a few seconds to just help wake up the senses. I would use this with affirmations around excitement, clarity, motivation, success. And again, I have some specific affirmations for this oil if you want to check those out.

Bonus: Supplements

Now, I have one more favorite oil that I diffuse almost every morning lately. But before I do, I want to share something that’s not an oil but that really helps me to sustain my energy, and that is supplements, because none of us are getting what we need from food anymore and we need a really great whole-foods-based and complete supplement.

I love this because it’s a three-pack and it covers all of those needs.

It includes

  • A daily mineral and vitamin, just your daily vitamin that you need
  • The Omegas, so your fish oils…
  • And it includes something called Alpha CRS, which is a cellular vitality complex.

The first two are going to give you the foundation that you need. The last one is going to come build on that foundation to give you crazy amounts of energy.

And really, what I see is mental energy, just the focus and the clarity to think straight, when I’m taking this very consistently.

The top things that I hear in our members only Oily Community from people who are taking this tend to be things like, “I have less aches and pains,” which is naturally going to lead to more energy, “I have better mood. My mood swings are less,” or, “I’m just in a healthier, happier place. I’m sleeping better,” which is also going to lead to more energy.

But, the number one thing that people say is just, “I feel more energized.” There’s no stimulants in this, so it’s not a false sense of energy. You don’t have a crash with it. You just feel a sustained sense of energy throughout the day.

I take this with my breakfast, and then I take it again at dinner, because you should split it up. It’s been huge for me. It’s helped me to need my oils less for aches and pains. It’s made a big difference on my mood, but it definitely makes a huge difference on my energy. I really feel it on the days that I don’t take it. So, I’m very careful to actually add that to my to-do list everyday so that I don’t forget to take my supplements.

Click here to read my blog post that goes into details about the supplements, what’s in them, and more on why I can’t live without them.

doTERRA elevation essential oil bottle standing upright

#3 – Elevation

The third essential oil, is Elevation.

I don’t remember if I’ve talked about Elevation on this channel before. This is called The Joyful Blend. It was designed to help elevate moods. So think about if you’re in a really low or dark place, if you’ve got feelings of hopelessness, or you’re going through a lot of grief or sadness, this oil is designed to elevate you, just kind of pick you up above all of that so you can start thinking clearly, or doing the things you need to do to start moving forward, or doing the healing that needs to happen.

It’s also really great for those same reasons in the morning to help wake you up. It’s very elevating. It’s energizing. It’s not as energizing as Peppermint, but you can mix it with Peppermint in the diffuser if you really want to get going.

You might feel a little bit like a crackhead with the two of those go in together, but it’ll definitely wake you up and get you going.

I tend to do this one just by itself, because it’s already a blend of oils, or I might add some grapefruit with it. I really love the combo of those two.

Elevation has:

It smells more citrus with a little bit of sweetness to it, but not much. It’s very stimulating. It’s a really great good-morning oil because of that really sharp, citrusy smell.

To use it, you’ll either want to use it in a diffuser or dilute it to use it topically the same way as the others.

Way you can use it:

  • at the base of the thumb
  • behind the neck
  • on your pulse points, and then just inhaling for maybe 20 to 30 seconds while you’re using affirmations for your day.

Specifically, I would focus on affirmations around hope, joy, possibilities, and gratitude. And again, if you would like some examples of some great affirmations to use with Elevation, click here. You’ll be able to see more about the oil and how it’s used both emotionally and physically.

If you’re also curious about the top 10 essential oils that I recommend for female entrepreneurs to help them uplevel their mindset so that they can uplevel their business…

I would definitely check out my free Sniff, Sniff, Affirm guide. It goes through my top 10 recommendations, affirmations for each one, and they cover the gamut in terms of emotions and mindsets that female entrepreneurs are most likely to encounter as they are building their business.

You can learn more here or grab it now by clicking the button below.

What about you, boss lady?

What are YOUR favorite essential oils for waking up and how do you use them.


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Picture of Tara Wagner
Tara Wagner
I’m Tara Wagner, creator of the Breakthrough Boss®. I help small biz owners overcome burnout and create part-time schedules with full-time profits. Not with some new marketing strategy, but with a holistic approach to how you operate. Click here to learn more.
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