Plan 365 days of content in 5 hours!

I have 10 strategies on how to stop being a perfectionist or how to overcome perfectionism. Ready to give yourself (and others) a break?
My morning routine actually starts about 4pm the day before. So here’s what I do differently with my evening/night routine to set me up to have a great (next) day.
Can’t seem to wake up early? There’s a good chance it’s NOT because you’re “just a night owl”.
I have adopted an anti-morning routine. Yes, me. The 5 am morning routine queen. And ya know what? It feels goooood.
It’s no secret that I LOVE the Profit First method. But there is a downside to “Profit First” that not enough of us are talking about.
There are 7 money lessons I wish I had learned sooner in life…not just how to manage your money, but how to think about it, what money means, a few money mistakes, and some crucial perspective shifts that would’ve got us further ahead by now. Kind of Financial Literacy 101. Kind of.
How do you handle business stress and emergencies that threaten your work-life balance and make you wonder why you started a business in the first place?
Are you considering closing a business? Answer these 5 questions first.
How did my husband earn $87k in his first 12 months of business working part-time, with only $1000 in ads, AND launching in the middle of a pandemic? This is how.
There are 4 self-audits/business audits every small business owner should do at least once a year to help them be more productive, get better results, and increase profits.
It’s hard to prioritize (or remember) your self-care these days. But there are 5 self-care tips that have helped me make it STICK.

You need a better way to build your biz.
Let me show you how to do it…

Profits, Not Problems

Gain Time, Boost Sales, and Grow With Confidence By Fixing These 5 Mistakes

Whether you’re years in or sitting on a business idea, pull from my own decades in business, and my experience in countless client industries, to know exactly what you need to create a thriving business. 

P.S. This class has important takeaways for ALL entrepreneurs, from pre-launch to 6+ figures. It’s where I recommend everyone start to get to know me and ensure I’m the right mentor for you. Grab a seat now!