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Are You Losing Motivation? This Is The Real Trick To Staying Motivated Through Hard Goals

The Hidden Cause of Entrepreneur Burnout (Good Advice Gone Bad)

As entrepreneurs and small business owners, it’s easy to blame our burnout on all the things we’re doing, but what if it’s deeper than that? What if it’s one simple tweak we made when we set our goals that set us up for burnout and failure from the beginning? And what if that means it’s only one small tweak that can turn the whole thing around?

6 Steps (or less) to Create a Website Shortcut on Any Device

Instead of downloading an app for a website that you frequently visit, copy the link to your homepage for easy access every day. Website shortcuts come in handy like apps on your phone or desktop computer.

How to Start a YouTube Channel in 10 Steps (For Small Business Owners)

If you have a small business and want to learn how to start a YouTube channel for video marketing (and not to “become a youtuber”), follow these 10 steps to get faster results, stay organized, and save time and mental bandwidth so you don’t burn yourself out.

5 Clues YouTube Marketing Is Right or Wrong For Your Business

Thinking about using YouTube for business? YouTube marketing can be a GREAT strategy for some businesses – and a terrible one for others. Here are 5 clues to look for to know if youtube marketing is right for you and your biz.

Why I’m LEAVING Kajabi (and What I’ll Be Switching To)

I’ve been with Kajabi for YEARS now, using them for both emails and course hosting. And now I’m leaving. Let me show you what I think is lacking from the platform, why I don’t think they’re keeping up with technology, and who I’ll be using instead to take their place.

One Simple Exercise to Overcome Fear and Anxiety In Your Business

How to overcome fear? Let’s talk about 2 things you need to understand first, and then one crucial practice to try for yourself to help you overcome fear and anxiety as an entrepreneur.

Positive Morning Affirmations for Abundance and Success (LISTEN DAILY!)

I’ve recorded these positive affirmations using “successive affirmations” – a process I developed to ease your mind into powerful statements without resistance. Each section can be listened to multiple times until you’re ready to move to the next section.

18 Girl Boss Habits Every Successful Female Entrepreneur NEEDS

I’m big on Success Habits – things you can put on autopilot to be successful as an entrepreneur. So for fun, how about 18 “girl boss” habits (that apply to the fellas too!) you need to adopt starting NOW?

Better Than Loom? YES! Why You Should Switch to Vimeo Record Free Screen Recorder

One of the best tools for your business that you’re underutilizing is YOUR VOICE and Vimeo Record can fix that! Learn how I use it to save time, be more productive, improve team communication and collaboration, and wow clients with a personal touch.

How to Respond to Angry Clients or Customers (With Examples!)

Every small business owner will eventually have to handle their share of angry customers or clients. Doing so professionally and gracefully can turn their day around (and win them over). Here are the 4 things to do every time to guarantee they leave satisfied.

How to Say No To Clients and Customers – Without Them Realizing It!

In this blog post you will learn how to say no to clients and customers (without them even realizing even) by first understanding 3 tips to set better boundaries. Because you need healthy boundaries if you want a healthy business.

Feeling overwhelmed and spreading yourself too thin in your business?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and spreading yourself too thin in your business? Let’s talk about 4 things to start doing right now to avoid burnout as an entrepreneur.

Need a better approach? Let me show you mine…

The Breakthrough Roadmap

How to upgrade your business so it doesn’t burn you out

Attend this free training to learn the 3 mistakes small business owners are encouraged to make, and my Roadmap to create full-time profits without burning out.

P.S. This class has important takeaways for ALL entrepreneurs, from pre-launch to 6+ figures. It’s where I recommend everyone start to get to know me and ensure I’m the right mentor for you. Grab a seat now!