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Words By Tara Wagner

Too Much To Do? ???? How to Prioritize When EVERYTHING Seems Important

tara sitting at window seat in a coffee shop with her laptop smiling

I have gotten this question from a lot of you, wanting to know how to prioritize your business and your life when everything is a priority, everything seems important.

If that is you, thatโ€™s where you are right now, this video/blog is so for you. Iโ€™m going to:

  • lend you a really important mindset shift that I want you to absorb
  • a model of prioritization that I use and that I teach my clients with great effects
  • and the two steps to implement it
Too Much To Do?ย ย HOW to Prioritize When EVERYTHING Seems Important Share on X

The first thing Iโ€™m going to do is drop a little truth bomb on you with a mindset shift I really want you to absorb.


I want you to think of putting all the things in your life on a pedestal.

When you put them all on the same level of pedestals, you know what thatโ€™s called?

Itโ€™s called the floor.

The origin of the word priority was a singular word. It was never meant to be plural. It literally means the first thing, not the first things. It didnโ€™t make sense a couple hundred years ago to have priorities, because of the actual meaning of the word.

Not understanding this or maybe even not admitting it to ourselves literally makes us crazy, because now we have all these things competing for #1, and weโ€™re not sure what to do with them or how to decide which is more important.

But I want you to understand that having a priority doesnโ€™t mean the other things are not important.

It just means theyโ€™re not the first thing that gets addressed either in your day, your week, or your month. That doesnโ€™t mean the other things are less important or less valuable. It just means that theyโ€™re not the first thing that youโ€™re going to put your time and energy into.

I want to encourage you to practice this mindset shift by eliminating the word โ€œprioritiesโ€ and focusing only on the word โ€œpriorityโ€ and reminding yourself what I just said, that it doesnโ€™t make anything else not important. It just means that youโ€™re going to put them in the order of which you are going to address them.

Now, Iโ€™m going to teach you my prioritization model that I use in any area that Iโ€™m trying to prioritize, whether itโ€™s the overall picture or whether itโ€™s maybe just departments of my life, like my personal life or my professional life.


I want you to grab a pen and a piece of paper, maybe even turn that paper sideways, and turn it into four separate columns, so that you can title the top of each of these columns as such:

  • 1st column โ€“ Self-care
  • 2nd column โ€“ People
  • 3rd column โ€“ Big Rocks
  • 4th column โ€“ Everything Else
Tara writing the 4 columns

Now, Iโ€™m going to show you how I use this prioritization model in two different aspects of my life, both in my overall life and then in just my business.


In my overall life the very first thing that I make sure goes on my schedule (which does not mean that it gets more time than other things, it just means that it gets scheduled first) is going to be my self-care.

Because like we all know, if we donโ€™t put on our own oxygen mask, weโ€™re not helping anybody else on that burning plane going down from the sky (which is a lot what this year feels like). We need to make sure that weโ€™re taking care of ourselves first.


That second column is people. What Iโ€™m thinking in my overall picture is naturally my family. So, thatโ€™s going to be my husband and my son first. Then itโ€™s probably going to be my mom. (Shout out to my mom! She always reads my blogs. Hi, mom!) Then anybody else: friends, coworkers, familyโ€ฆ but Iโ€™m going to be looking at personal relationships first, because it ties back into that first category, which is self-care.


My category for Big Rocks is the long term, important things that I want to make sure my life is creating, producing, or moving towards. This could be a personal goal, or it could be a professional goal.

Right now, for me, it is a professional goal. Iโ€™m working on a course. At one point Iโ€™m going to be moving that towards a book. That will be my next Big Rock. Iโ€™m going to be looking at speaking; I actually am already working on that as a Big Rock. So, I want to make sure that those things get prioritized next in my schedule.


In that category for Everything Else is literally everything else. After Iโ€™ve scheduled my self-care, and I made sure that Iโ€™m scheduling time for family and friends, and Iโ€™ve scheduled time for the most important things that I want to move forward 3/5/10 years from now, then Iโ€™m scheduling everything else into my calendar.

Nothing else gets scheduled unless those things are taken care of first.

Now, I want to make it clear again that just because my self-care comes first doesnโ€™t mean it gets the most time.

Sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesnโ€™t. It doesnโ€™t mean that just because people come before work they get more time than work. It just means that they get prioritized first, so that the needs of that category are getting met first. Iโ€™m scheduling them first in my calendar. Just because something is higher on the list doesnโ€™t necessarily mean that you need to be spending more time on it. Okay?

Iโ€™m repeating that multiple times, because I see that issue happen over and over again. โ€œMy familyโ€™s most important, so Iโ€™m spending the most time in that category,โ€ when in fact your family may not need as much time as you think, and you may be able to take some of that time from them and put it into those Big Rocks, the big goals that youโ€™re working on.

If you donโ€™t know what Iโ€™m talking about when I say โ€œBig Rocksโ€, I have a video/blog called โ€œWhat is Time Blocking?โ€œ, where I describe the idea of Big Rocks. I highly recommend that you check that out, because it ties into what weโ€™re talking about here as well.

Tara holding up a paper with the 4 columns: self-care, people, big rocks, and other

Now apply this model of prioritization in your business. Hereโ€™s howโ€ฆ

First, when I schedule my business hours, the first thing Iโ€™m looking at is Self-Care, which obviously doesnโ€™t look like a hot bath. What it looks like is caring for my business and nurturing the business growth. A lot of times for me this is training. This is skill development, mindset work, things like that.

The next thing is going to be People. People is going to be meeting with my team. Itโ€™s going to be meeting with clients or customers or doing any sort of client facing work.

Now, this isnโ€™t always 100% accurate, because itโ€™s easy to call social media โ€œPeopleโ€, but thatโ€™s not what Iโ€™m talking about here. Iโ€™m talking about client phone calls, or answering a customerโ€™s emails, Iโ€™m talking about really specific one-to-one interactions with people, and not just going on social media and generally connecting with a broader audience.

Then, again, Iโ€™m scheduling time for those Big Rocks, the most important things in my business in the long-term, not in the short-term.

Then I am scheduling everything else.


Once youโ€™ve got the four categories, I want you to start brain dumping everything that you are juggling in your brain (and feel like you need to be doing) into these categories. Allow yourself to just take some time and fill it completely out. You can even go back to each category and categorize what feels most important within that category.

When Iโ€™m looking at self-care, food for me is one of the most important things, because it helps my body. I have a chronic illness and a chronic disability. It helps me feel the best when Iโ€™m making sure to spend plenty of time on the nutrition going into my body. So, thatโ€™s going to go in the top of my list, whereas hot baths are really nice, but theyโ€™re actually pretty low to the bottom in terms of the ROI that they create.

You want to do this with every single category.

You want to just look at, maybe compare two or three things and say, โ€œOkay. Of these two things, whatโ€™s more important?โ€ Move one up. โ€œOf these next two things, whatโ€™s more important?โ€ Move one up. Just play around with it until you can get it in somewhat of a prioritized list.

Now, again, I realize that everything seems important, so I donโ€™t need you to perfect this list, but do the best you can.

weekly schedule

I recommend that you lay it all out into an empty schedule of one week. What I mean by empty schedule is not necessarily that you need to empty your schedule right now, but just take a calendar page that just has one week in it, so that you can visualize what this might look like over the span of a week. I donโ€™t recommend doing too much more than that. I definitely donโ€™t recommend doing any less than that.


The first thing that youโ€™re going to do is write in any immovable objects.

What I call an immovable object is something that you need to do that you canโ€™t really get much wiggle room on, if any at all. This might be, for instance, if you have a 9-5 job while youโ€™re working on your business or other goals, you want to write that in first.


The next thing youโ€™re going to write in is time for self-care.

Now, it helps if you go through all of your self-care items, the things that you really want to be doing, and estimate how much time it will actually take you, maybe even time it, so that you can get a really accurate estimate. This will help you to schedule it into your day.

You get to decide.

Do you need to do this every day or every week? I have things that I need to do every single morning, every single afternoon, and every single night, especially because Iโ€™m moving through a really intense time with my health, as well as with personal growth. So, I am doing a lot of self-care and a lot of mindset work. It takes a lot of time and energy.

I also have things that I do just on a weekly basis, as well as things that I do on an every other week basis. But what I try to do is block out the same time for self-care. So, if Iโ€™m not doing my every other week thing that week, I can do something else for self-care in that time period.


Then youโ€™re going to write in the time you need with loved ones.

Maybe this is carving out dinner time, time on a Sunday, time on a Saturday, games that you want to be at with your kids. Youโ€™re going to write all of those things in next.

Again, remember, it doesnโ€™t necessarily matter how much time youโ€™re writing in, but the QUALITY of that time instead.


Then I want you to look and see whatโ€™s left.

Whatโ€™s left on your calendar is the actual hours that you have to invest in your goals or your business. I know most of you are entrepreneurs who watch this, so Iโ€™m going to be referring to it as your business.

The number of hours you have left then get to be chunked down into those Big Rocks and into Everything Else.

I want you to take out at least 25% of that week just for your Big Rocks.

I know that can seem like a crazy amount of time, but the truth is if youโ€™re not spending that much time working on your business, not just in your business, meaning youโ€™re not just doing the day to day things to keep your business moving today, youโ€™re probably going to have a really hard time moving your business in the future.

Remember that the things you do on your business today creates your success 6-12 months from now.

if youโ€™re not planting the right seeds and nurturing the right things now, youโ€™re not going to have much of a harvest later on down the road.
if you're not planting the right seeds and nurturing the right things now, you're not going to have much of a harvest later on down the road. (Tara Wagner) Share on X


Now, we could go a lot deeper into this topic, and the Time Blocking Boss download will do a lot of that for you and answer some of the common challenges that come up around this, but I want to answer the burning question that I get from so many of you, which is, โ€œWhat about everything else? Iโ€™ve laid everything out. Iโ€™ve got my Big Rocks, my Self-Care. My People are all scheduled in. Iโ€™ve got time for clients and time for customers. Iโ€™ve got the most important jobs and tasks in my business, but Iโ€™ve got this whole list of everything else that I want to get done too that also seems really important. What do I do with all of that if it seems like Iโ€™m not going to have the time?โ€

Are you ready for this? Take it in. Itโ€™s going to hurt a littleโ€ฆ You let the chips fall where they fall.

Hereโ€™s the thingโ€ฆ If you focus on your real priorities, the inconsequential things will have a tendency to fall away, and the important things that need to get done have a crazy freaking way of getting done. I donโ€™t know how it happens. I cannot answer that for you, but I promise that it happens. Iโ€™ve seen it over and over again in myself and in my clients. But you have to be willing to put your blinders on to the most important things and allow everything else to slowly align around those things.

Again, that analogy that I draw on about the โ€œBig Rocksโ€ in my blog called What is Time Blocking, will really describe this to you really well and help you to understand how (and why) this actually works.


If you donโ€™t make time for your priorities and protect that time fiercely, even at the sacrifice of other things, you will not stand a chance at success, because this practice that Iโ€™ve just taught you around how to prioritize is not just about creating an organized week. Itโ€™s about creating a sustainable system, creating something that will actually sustain longterm success.

Because if we are not consistently working on the things that will help us to grow ourselves, our relationships, and our own businesses, our goals, our skills in certain areas, if weโ€™re not constantly, consistently working on the things that will allow those things to grow, those things will atrophy.

So, yes. This is challenging. You will be making some sacrifices to make this work, but I also want you to understand that at least 75% of that โ€œEverything Elseโ€ column actually doesnโ€™t matter as much as we insist it does.

There are a lot of things youโ€™re doing in your business because you think you have to, when there are other people out there not doing those things and creating more success, because theyโ€™re able to focus on things that are actually driving things forward.

So, whether you think you need to be on every social media platform, or you think you need to be showing up in every Facebook group, or you think you need to be doing all of the different things yourself versus finding help, or hiring things, or whatever the issue might be, as long as you feel like you have to do those things, you will consistently keep yourself going around, and around, and around the same problems and never forward.

And thereโ€™s also something called Parkinsonโ€™s Law, which means the size of the task will actually expand according to the time you allow it.

If you force something into a smaller time-frame, youโ€™re going to find a way to get it done in that time frame, but if you give it twice as much time, it will actually take twice as much time.

So, I know Iโ€™m dropping some hard truth bombs on you and some serious mindset shifts. I know that this is not a simple or an easy practice

But I also know that you can do this, because the moment you focus on the things that matter the most in the different areas of your life, your health, your wellbeing, your relationships, and your longterm goals and success โ€“ what you really want your work and your life to be about โ€“ the more joy, and success, and happiness youโ€™re going to be able to experience.

That makes this whole process become a lot easier, because you start to see the results of it.


Itโ€™s gonna be a really crucial tool for you in this process. It will walk you through some really effective strategies to help you avoid some of the common mistakes that go along with time blocking.

You can learn more about the time blocking guide here, or by clicking the button below.


Be sure to comment below with your best tips on how to prioritize, or any questions that you have, or wherever you might be getting stuck in this process.

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Picture of Tara Wagner
Tara Wagner
Iโ€™m Tara Wagner, creator of the Breakthrough Bossยฎ. I help small biz owners overcome burnout and create part-time schedules with full-time profits. Not with some new marketing strategy, but with a holistic approach to how you operate.
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