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Words By Tara Wagner

Top 3 Business Bottlenecks Blocking Your 6 Figure Goals

Tara wearing green sweater with hands up in uncertainty

Everybody wants to hit that six-figure mark in their business, but there are 3 huge business bottlenecks that I see a lot of entrepreneurs either never examine or just never get past, usually getting stuck somewhere between that 50 to 70K range instead.

So I want to lend you my 20 yearsโ€™ experience in the entrepreneurial world, including coaching other entrepreneurs to help you see if one of these 3 business bottlenecks is whatโ€™s holding you back.

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Top 3 Business Bottlenecks Blocking Your 6 Figure Goals Share on X

Now, a bottleneck is an area in your business where things are getting slowed down or stopped, usually due to one single problem, and if you can solve that one problem, you can usually take a massive leap forward in your business.

Before I dive into what these top 3 business bottlenecks are, let me just say that these are not the only bottlenecks you could be facing. Theyโ€™re just the most common, and theyโ€™re also the most commonly brushed off as not being the problem.

neon sign that says time is precious


Iโ€™m going to start with Business Bottleneck #3, which is Time vs. Priority Management.

And I will just tell you, I am so guilty of this one, and was for a very long time.

I love a good time management hack, you probably all know that about me by now, but really understanding the difference between time vs. priority management was what shifted a lot of things for me.

Most small-business owners will get to a stage in their business where things are really starting to roll, and theyโ€™re just doing their best to keep up with it and โ€œget more done in less timeโ€. This is partially because they donโ€™t have the time to stop and analyze whatโ€™s working, whatโ€™s not working, or what needs to change as these new changes are coming in their business. But as your business grows, it will become a bottleneck if youโ€™re just trying to โ€œget more doneโ€, instead of really making sure youโ€™re getting the right things done.

In order to scale, I have learned and you will learn that you get to get away from just getting more done in less time, and really focus on prioritizing those tasks and maybe even letting some things go.

In other words, not doing all the things so that you can do the right things, which ties into the second biggest bottleneck I seeโ€ฆ

Tara multitasking holding multiple oils and working on her computer


Either you feel like you shouldnโ€™t need help, you feel guilty about it, or you just canโ€™t see how youโ€™re making enough money to justify it, and so you keep being a solopreneur for way too long, trying to do #allthethings, and just getting overwhelmed and really end up getting nowhere.

And yes, I am guilty of this too, because itโ€™s a really wicked catch-22 where we get into this cycle of, in order to make more money, we really need to be bringing in support, but in order to bring in support, we really think we need to be making more money.

The truth is, as a business owner, we get to invest in things that will free up time to make more money long before we think we can or should. I am all for running a lean and debt-free business, but not at the expense of a profitable business.

I am all for running a lean and debt-free business, but not at the expense of a profitable business. (Tara Wagner) Share on X

No business can be successful as a one-person show forever.

I dare you to find one successful 6-figure business that is not investing in support in some way, whether that is a coach, systems, freelancers or an assistant. If you can find them, I want to know how tired they are or how much longer they continue to do it, because itโ€™s just not sustainable.

You only have 24 hours in a day, eight of which hopefully is spent sleeping, so you as a business owner really need to make sure that youโ€™re running a business, and not just running around in a business.

That means even if you can only find $50 to free up, use that $50 and invest it in a way thatโ€™s going to allow you to make an extra hundred, turn around and reinvest that in the support that will allow you to make an extra 200, and continue to do that.

Thatโ€™s the stage of business that most of us get to right around that 50 to 70K, where we need to start taking our profits, putting it back into the support systems that will allow us to scale.

You as a business owner really need to make sure that you're running a business, and not just running around in a business. (Tara Wagner) Share on X

Woman looking at herself in a piece from a broken mirror


We are our biggest bottleneck in business, and thatโ€™s because the habits and the mindset that got you to where you are will not take you any further.

You cannot build a six-figure business with a five-figure habit or a five-figure mindset.

As you grow a business, you will get to examine everything in yourself and in your life that gets to uplevel in order to uplevel that business, and this means everything from your thoughts and your emotions to your self care and your relationships.

As your business changes, the things in your life naturally get to adjust and change with it. But most people donโ€™t see this, so theyโ€™re constantly working on their business, but theyโ€™re not working on the support structure, which is who you are, how youโ€™re approaching business, and how your life is being organized in order to support your business in a healthy, balanced way.

Now, I am not a fan of telling people to focus on โ€œmindset first.โ€ Instead, I encourage you to focus on โ€œmindset while.โ€

In other words, look for the thing in your life or your business thatโ€™s causing the most stress โ€“ the biggest bottleneck โ€“ and focus on both your mindset and your habits around that topic while you focus on the practical or the tangible issues around that topic as well.

You cannot build a six-figure business with a five-figure habit or a five-figure mindset. (Tara Wagner) Share on X


If youโ€™re brand new to me and my work, I would encourage you to start with my free Bottlenecks to Breakthroughs training to learn more about my process.

And if youโ€™re ready to massively uplevel your mindset and habits in order to take your business to the next level, letโ€™s talk about what that might look like and what we might be able to do together.


Which of these business bottlenecks (or others) have you experienced in your business?

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About the author

Picture of Tara Wagner
Tara Wagner
Iโ€™m Tara Wagner, creator of the Breakthrough Bossยฎ. I help small biz owners overcome burnout and create part-time schedules with full-time profits. Not with some new marketing strategy, but with a holistic approach to how you operate.
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