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Words By Tara Wagner

How to Get Out of Your Head (AND GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY) So You Can Take Action


I want to talk to you about how to get out of your own way when it comes to your goals.

Make sure you check out the very special (very free) opportunity below to help you take what I’m teaching you here and implement it in your own life in just 5 days.

Watch her or read below.

How to Get Out of Your Head (AND GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY) So You Can Take Action Share on X

I have been coaching women on belief breakthrough for the past 10 years. What that means is that I work with women who have goals, but aren’t reaching them because their own internal junk is getting in the way.

This means all of the thoughts, fears, emotions, and past experiences might be telling them that this isn’t possible for them or that they’re not good enough. that what will other people think of me this is too overwhelming who the hell am I the timing is not right and on and on and on and then all of these thoughts and emotions end up sabotaging their efforts making everything they do less effective and sometimes even just a total hot mess right so nothing gets accomplished the needle never moves and we end up feeling even worse now.

this is normal we all have these voices in our head trying to keep us safely tucked away in a comfort zone even if that comfort zone is actually hell on earth because the double you know is safer than the one you don’t right

But as normal as it might be it still sucks when we get stuck there (can i get an amen?), so then the question is: HOW? How do you actually get out of your own way so you can crush your goals, not your soul?

it comes down to 2 things

#1 – your schemata

In a nutshell your schemata are the beliefs that you formed about the world to help you navigate it, so these are things like: who you are, what you’re capable of, what or who is safe, and so on. To use the buzzword we all know – and sometimes don’t love – this means upleveling your mindset to the point that it allows you to uplevel your business and your goals.

the first is making over what psychologists call your schemata specifically the pieces of it that are causing all the internal trouble, the resistance, the procrastination, the worry, the doubt…

#2 – Taking Action

The second is knowing how to create an actionable plan for your goals that matches both where your mindset is now and where you want to get it.

You get to create a plan that helps you bridge that gap and take action despite all the fields you currently feel. So often we think our plans should be big and scary and grandiose because that seems to be the advice that’s out there. “If your goals don’t scare you they aren’t big enough”, but notice that it says if your GOALS don’t scare you, not if your PLANS don’t scare you.

The goal can be scary, but the steps to that goal should feel doable by the person you currently are.

If you learn how to master these 2 things creating a doable realistic plans for your goals that your sometimes less than brave, sometimes less than confident self can still execute on a day-to-day basis and learn how to increase your confidence and your motivation and your overall mindset as you go along – that’s when you’ll see the results you want.

It’s not one vs. the other. It’s not even mindset first, it’s mindset while.

It's not even mindset first, it's mindset while. (Tara Wagner) Share on X

So this is where I’m really excited!

If you know me by now, you know that I love to teach practical actionable steps to everything. you know that i’m not into all the fluff without substance, but in order to really teach this a blog, nor a video is going to do it justice. youto have the experience of it that’s why i’m putting together a totally FREE 5 day “Get Out of Your Own Way” challenge.

I’m gathering a group of motivated women who are tired of getting in their own way and we’re gonna make some shizzy happen. I’m gonna show you how to create a realistic plan to accomplish your goals that your current self can execute, regardless of how busy you are or how crazy life is for you right now, or how overwhelmed you feel when you think about making all this happen, or how scared you get when you face it.

I’ll show you how to create an actionable plan that accounts for all of that while showing you how to increase your motivation, overcome resistance to the things you know you need to do – but you keep putting off, and find and amplify your confidence, so you stop stopping yourself. And yeah all in 5 days.

I’m so excited, like I said this is completely free, but on top of being free i’m also going to sweeten the pot with daily chances to win my favorite mindset and business tools to help you rock your goals even further.

I’m talking books, I’m talking goal setting planners, I’m talking aromatherapy for things like focus and energy i’m even talking about one-on-onecoaching

Y’all we are gonna have so much fun, but there area few requirements

#1 – You need a goal

This could be anything from:

  • finally write the book
  • create the course
  • launch my product
  • launch my website
  • sign five new clients
  • hit my next rank
  • work fewer hours
  • lose 10 pounds

You bring the goal, I’ll bring the strategy.

#2 – You need to be ready

There are no lookie-loos here. If you’re not willing to take action with everyone else, sit this one out.

We’re building a group of challengers who cannot just cheer each other on, but who will encourage one another with their own efforts as well.

#3 – You must love seeing other women succeed

If you’re a naysayer, if you’re miss catty kathy – talkin smack about other women, this is not going to be the group for you.

If you know “the thing” it’s time to finally follow through on and you’re ready to get out of your own way

Make it happen… check out the 5 day “Get Out of Your Own Way” Challenge here to read more, to sign up, and to invite your friends to join you because it’s always more fun to get stuff done with friends I cannot wait to see you there!

What about you, Boss Lady?

Is there something that’s important to you that you have been putting off?

Scroll down to leave your comments


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About the author

Picture of Tara Wagner
Tara Wagner
I’m Tara Wagner, creator of the Breakthrough Boss®. I help small biz owners overcome burnout and create part-time schedules with full-time profits. Not with some new marketing strategy, but with a holistic approach to how you operate. Click here to learn more.
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