Can you overcome fear? Too many thought leaders say “fear never goes away”. I say “bullshit”.
Watch here:
The idea that fear doesn’t go away is probably the most unhelpful mindset myth in entrepreneurial circles right now.
Yeah, it might be helpful at times to remind you to start taking action despite the fear you feel, but ultimately it’s demotivating the hell out of most women to think they’ll always feel such a crippling emotion.
Overcoming fear only comes down to knowing what to tackle, when, in what order, and how. The free training above will show you where to start.
P.S. I’m specifically talking about how to overcome fear and anxiety in circumstances women normally face in business that holds them back. This is not a replacement for mental health support if your fear or anxiety is debilitating or requires medical attention.
Scroll up to watch or head on over to YT check it out there.
Is this a bottleneck that you’ve been struggling with?
If so, I’d encourage you to grab my FREE training Bottlenecks to Breakthroughs. It will guide you through how to get rid of those bottlenecks and will help you to finally #crushyourgoalsnotyoursoul!
You can learn more here or grab it now by clicking the button below.
What about you, boss lady?
What have you been afraid of in the past that you’re no longer bothered by? (ALL examples count!)
Scroll down to leave your comments below.