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Words By Tara Wagner

80+ Pivotal (or random) Things About Me – What do we have in common?


Well hello there…ready to get to know about me on a whole new level?

Here I am, in a series of bullet points.

  • I was born and raised in Las Vegas, NV
  • I didn’t have the happiest childhood, but it was punctuated by deeply moving experiences that shaped me for the better
  • I also almost died at the age of 18 months from meningitis
  • I made up for being the smallest and youngest by being the weirdest and most curious
  • I wanted to be the first female president when I grew up
  • I rocked the mix-match socks until the 7th grade
  • I was an avid reader, writer, and poet
  • I was also a tomboy and still feel awkward in dresses
Tara at 2 in a white dress
Tara at 9
  • I developed scoliosis at age 10 and wore a brace for 3.5 years
  • They fused half my spine at age 14
  • I lost all sense of myself in middle school
  • I went from bright, colorful, and happy to hiding within myself, wearing dark clothes, and obsessively worrying what others thought.
  • I left high school after a 9th grade teacher jaded my love of learning and decided to homeschool myself
  • But then I fell down a rabbit hole of self- and drug-abuse
  • I was also sexually and physically abused but sadly, thought it meant I was loved
  • I became pregnant just shy of 17 years old
  • I gave birth to an 8 lb boy after 24 hours of induced labor
  • His dad was incarcerated at the time
  • I lived through intense depression, PPD, and multiple suicide attempts
  • But then I had one of those Aha moments where everything shifted; I left my abusive relationship, and swore I would never go backward
  • Shortly after I met, married, and was heartbroken by my first husband all within the span of 4 months – we’ll call that the practice run
  • Because I then met my sweet hubby, Justin, just 2 months later
  • Yeah, it was a whirlwind year. 
  • I made a sudden but also obvious decision to attend massage school
  • I also found my entrepreneurial roots and the wheels started turning
  • I began working for myself within a few weeks of graduating
  • Justin proposed somewhere in all that and we were married after 2 years together
  • (It took me another 10 yrs to fully heal my old wounds and trust him implicitly)
  • I was quickly falling down a rabbit hole of natural wellness
  • I learned how to heal my depression through nutrition, natural wellness, and inner work
  • I expanded my practice to a mobile massage company
  • It was atrocious
  • I was working way too much (16 hours days, anyone?)
  • Our marriage was hitting the rough years
  • I didn’t understand how my mindset and bad habits were limiting my growth and causing all my problems
  • I burned out after 8 years and sold my company
Tara and Justin Wedding with Zeb
  • I decided to be a stay-at-home mom for awhile
  • Our son was miserable in school, so we homeschooled/unschooled him from the time he was 7-14 years old
  • Examining our parenting led me to examine my upbringing
  • I delved deep into my own personal growth and healing
  • It was during this time that I really began to discover myself and the tools that would allow me to grow
  • At the same time we were going uber-green
  • We converted our front and back yard into edible landscaping
  • We reduced our energy consumption by 70%
  • We raised chickens
  • I was even trying to learn to knit and sew
  • I started a green living website to teach others what we were learning, which started my love for online entrepreneurship
  • Justin legally adopted Zeb around this time too
  • Then he was laid off and everything changed again
  • Faced with the layoff, we sold or gave away 95% of our stuff
  • We bought an old 1982, 22ft Winnebago
  • And we packed up our life to travel the country together
  • I spent the next 4 years delving even deeper into personal development, mindset, emotions, and lifestyle design
  • I began working from the road as a lifestyle blogger
  • Then I began teaching others my belief breakthrough process and how to overcome their fears and live their dreams
  • It was definitely my calling
  • I was introduced to doTERRA in 2012
  • That led to an obsession with the neuroscience of essential oils
  • I began learning and experimenting with essential oils for mindset hacking
  • Then the oils biz basically took over my life for a few years
  • I now run a community of thousands, and a doTERRA organization of 10’s of thousands
  • Around this time our son decided to try out high school
  • We settled down just outside Destin, FL after traveling for 4 years
  • My husband opened a carpentry business here
  • And we’ve spent the time growing our businesses and naturally, ourselves
  • Our son graduated HS in 2018
  • We moved back to Vegas in 2019 to be near aging parents and grandparents
  • I got hit with COVID twice and Long COVID slowed down my progress but also became a gift
  • Now I’m ready to take on the world – or rather take on the business world and the crumby coaches out there. Want to join me?
  • I’m an Enneagram 4 with a 3 wing
  • I’m a Manifesting Generator in Human Design and that’s about all I know about it lol
  • My top values are freedom, growth, authenticity, and play
  • My top 5 Gallup strengths are Achiever, Ideation, Input, Activator, and Strategic
  • My brain naturally finds strategies and ideas, and wants to organize them into a realistic roadmap to start on right away
  • It makes me good at what I do
  • I’m an ambivert (Google it)
  • I can pick things up with my toes
  • I’m double-jointed in my wrists and hands – it freaks people out
  • I’m gluten-intolerant and have only intentionally eaten it 3 times since 2009
  • I actually live with a total of 30+ different disabilities, disorders, or health issues
  • I manage all of them with diet, lifestyle, and biohacking
  • Yes, self-care is a big deal for me too
  • No, I haven’t mastered it yet
  • But I’m getting close
  • The more I teach anything to others the more consistent I get myself
  • So really, coaching is as much for me as it is for others
  • My fav food is the one I didn’t have to cook or clean up after ????
  • Milli Vanilli Radio on Pandora is my jam
  • I have 4-5 vivid dreams a night.
  • Like, every night.
  • French fries are my guilty pleasure.
  • My dogs are some of my favorite people.
  • My favorite hair cut is the years I lived with a shaved head.
  • And that’s about all I have to say.

Wowza. Did you really just read all that? We must be besties!


If you had time to read this, you have time for your own self-care.

Stop putting yourself on the back burner.

Download my free guide, Self-Care in Seconds for 50+ ways to fill your cup while rockin’ your business!

Click the big, orange button below or learn more here.


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2 Responses

  1. Hi Tara,

    I came across your YouTube channel last year after joining doTERRA. But that isn’t why I found you. It was because of my struggle in starting my coaching biz and the conflict of why!!? I knew then you were the coach I needed, but all the BBS (Bottomline Bull Shit) or BSS (Bull Shit Stories) was playing me like a game of Dodge Ball (White Goodman vs Peter La Fleur). Anywho, I’m getting off track. The ? was do we have things in common.. Yes, let’s start with Teen moms, , ease on down the road to Imposter syndrome as a result of childhood trauma, Abuse, Extrovert turned Ambivert, thanks to the path of Personal Development 🙂 ! And there are others. But, 1 thing that I like about you and identify with my coaching, is that I am not a business coach but working with women in small business to help them identify past hurts, hangups and habits that are keeping them from working from their most authentic selves. And that does not just come with recognizing the problem, but identifying the solution and re-affirming your identity.


    1. Hi Arnetta! So good to hear from you, and so awesome we have such similar journeys! I love the work you do too. (It’s where I started as well and evolved into the biz coaching as it was needed.) Looking forward to getting to know you better!

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About the author

Picture of Tara Wagner
Tara Wagner
I’m Tara Wagner, creator of the Breakthrough Boss®. I help small biz owners overcome burnout and create part-time schedules with full-time profits. Not with some new marketing strategy, but with a holistic approach to how you operate.
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