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Words By Tara Wagner

My ANTI-Morning Routine


I have adopted an anti-morning routine. Yes, me. The 5 am morning routine queen. And ya know what? It feels goooood.

Watch here:

My ANTI-Morning Routine Click To Tweet

There’s a season for being ultra-structured and self-disciplined with our routines…and there’s a season to give it a rest.

Farmers rest their crops. Animals rest for months at a time. And sometimes we need to do the same. I’ve been in that season the past several months. And my anti-morning routine is proof of that.

For years now, I’ve trained myself to get up as early as 4:30am for a carefully orchestrated morning routine. Not because I had to for a job. I’m an entrepreneur, I make my own schedule. But I did it because I wanted to.

Every piece of my morning routine was designed to flow from one purposeful habit to another, all to set me up for feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally primed for my day.

And for the past 3 years, I’ve loved it. Nowadays…not so much. In fact, you could say I’ve adopted an anti-morning routine.

Now you need to know, I’m a big believer in habits and routines and having healthy structure and flow to our day. I’m a big believer in the quote, “show me your habits and I’ll show you your future.” But I’m also a big believer in putting our physical needs above our financial ones.

Meaning there’s a season to be ultra-structured, to build our self-discipline, and to have very specific routines based on our goals and what we need during that season.

And there’s a season to rest.

Farmers rest their land between crops. Some animals rest for months at a time. And until pretty recently, we humans lived and worked with the seasons too. Our bodies just aren’t designed to have one speed that we maintain for years. And neither are our lives.

After getting sick in January, and then getting sick again in Feb, then going into a launch in March, and all this while I’m dealing with several other autoimmune and health conditions, I hit that rest season. And I hit it hard. 

The third most important thing to our bodies, after air and water, is SLEEP. And my body was telling me very clearly, that my morning routine needed to prioritize it. So for the past several months, that’s what I’ve been doing: adopting an anti-morning routine.

Scroll up or watch here: This is my anti-morning routine – what I do in the morning when I need to actually do LESS.

Is your need for an anti-morning routine coming from a place of burnout?

Be sure to jump on my free training, “How to Use a Holistic Approach to Create a Profitable Business Without Burning Yourself Out”. Learn more and grab a seat by clicking the button below:

What about you, boss lady?

Do you need an anti-morning routine right now too?

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Tara Wagner

I’m Tara Wagner, creator of the Breakthrough Boss®. I help small biz owners overcome burnout and create part-time schedules with full-time profits. Not with some new marketing strategy, but with a holistic approach to how you operate. Click here to learn more.
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