NOW accepting applications for open spots with the Inner Circle. Apply today!

Hop on An accelerated path

 and crush your goals, not your soul.

The Inner Circle

— with Tara Wagner —


Faster Results

Unlimited Mentoring

No More Bottlenecks

In the Inner Circle, you’ll get everything you need to create a profitable, burnout-free business, so you can work less, earn more, and enjoy the process.

Imagine if...

What would that do for your business?

What IS the Inner Circle exactly?

The Inner Circle is a 12-month accelerator group and 1:1 mentoring program helping service-based business owners scale their profits without their burnout.

Full details are shared via application only.

Who this Inner Circle ideal for...

The Seasoned Small Biz Owner

You’re making good money, but you’ve hit a plateau (or a dip). You have too much on your plate, or too many ideas, and you’re not sure what to focus on (or fix) to grow further. You’re tired of doing it alone, and know the value of a mentor to reach the next level. 

The "Messy Middle" Owner

You’ve been in business for 1+ years, you’re making some money, but it’s not enough and comes with waaaaay too much work. If you don’t do something quick, you’re gonna burn out, but you’re not sure what “work smarter, not harder” actually looks like or how to make more money without workin geven harder.

The (re)Startup Biz Owner

You’re not new to business, but you’re starting a NEW business. You know the new biz you want to start, but you don’t want to make the mistakes of your pasts. You want to do things better than last time – you just need the right roadmap this time around.

Tell me if this sounds like you...

You want to work fewer hours but not by cutting corners or giving your clients less.

The phrase “working ON your business, not IN your business” feels impossible with so much to do every day.

You want to increase revenue…but with so many ideas and tasks where do you even start?

You’re tired of DIYing it all too – you want real guidance and shortcuts from someone who gets that burnout is not an option for you.

You aren’t looking for a cookie cutter business… 

You want real business acumen, and to feel like a confident CEO, not just a parrot of someone else.

You just wish there was a step-by-step, guided roadmap…

Because it’s not that you’re not willing to do the work; you just need personalized direction that fits your needs and your season of business.

The Inner Circle is right for you if...

You want a profitable service-based business that won’t burn you out.

You’re committed to doing the work, but you’re overwhelmed trying to figure out the RIGHT work to do.

You have experience in small business, but know that a skilled mentor will take you further.

You’re excited to follow real guidance, even when it’s tough to hear. 

You’re ready to do the work.

Fully booked and sold out!

“Before starting, I was struggling to ask for referrals and build my family counseling practice. Within just a few weeks of starting the course, everything started changing. And now within just a couple months, and for the first time ever, my practice is fully booked and SOLD OUT! My revenue has increased 5x since starting the program.


I followed the exact methods

I launched my business in March 2020…right before the pandemic shut everything down. But I’m lucky enough to be married to a great coach. 😉 I just followed the exact methods my wife teaches in the Inner Circle and was making multi-5 figure months within 12 months working as a solopreneur for an average of 20 hours a week, and have continued to grow from there.

Justin W., Finish Carpentry Contractor, USA

Vincent Reed

Huge weight lifted

It’s only been a week in the Inner Circle and yet the support and guidance I have received to date have been invaluable! A huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders! Thank you, Tara and team.

Vincent R., Conservation and Restoration of Historic Woodwork, UK

Renee Shupe

my business has grown by 25% year over year

When I started working with Tara, my business was doing okay, but I was wondering where my revenue was going and always running with very little profit. Now I’ve been able to create a business that fits my lifestyle. I’m running my business exactly how I want to run my business, have seen it grow by 25% year over year, and my profit has improved substantially.

Renee S., WordPress Maintenance Expert, Canada

Ready to take the next steps?

The Inner Circle

is an application-only coaching program

If you believe the Inner Circle would be a good fit for you, I encourage you to apply! It takes just a few minutes. Here’s how it works:


Click here to fill out the application. Please be as detailed as possible with your answers—this is your chance to make a first impression! You’ll get to share your goals and plans, so feel free to take your time with this part. Your answers will help me to determine if you’re a good fit for the program.


Once your application is approved, you’ll receive an invitation to an “Inner Circle Info Session” that you can schedule on your own time that will walk through all the Inner Circle details. This is your opportunity to learn more about the program and see if it’s is right for you. Full Inner Circle details are NOT shared prior to your application being approved. 


After the Inner Circle Info session, you can decide whether the program is a good fit for you, and will receive the next steps from our team if you choose to enroll.

Note: You'll only receive an invitation to join the Inner Circle info session if you pass the application process and a spot is available.

Can you tell me more
about this info session?

If your application is approved, you'll be invited to attend the Inner Circle Info Session. (This can be scheduled at your convenience.)

Inside the info session, I'm sharing:

At the end of your info session, you'll receive the next steps to become a member of the Inner Circle.

To get the process started, fill out the application below:

Who created this program?

Hey, I'm Tara Wagner!

I’m an Accredited Small Business Consultant® helping real people build real businesses. 

I’m an Enneagram 4w3, wife to my soulmate, mother to an adult nomad in his 20’s, and we have 2 adorable little fur babies that keep us company.

I’m also a lifelong entrepreneur with over 2 decades experience in small business, a multi-7 figure earner, and I live with multiple health disorders that forced me to figure out a better way to approach business without killing ourselves to get there.

(I tried that in my first business in my 20’s – I worked 16 hour days, 7 days a week because I was told that’s what it took to be successful. It actually created some of the health conditions I’m still healing from over 15 years later, and it was hurting my family too. So no, I won’t let you make that mistake!)

Now I help small biz owners like you learn how to do the same in your own life and business.


Because I want to see GOOD people making GOOD money so they can do more GOOD with it.

And small business is one the best vehicles of good in this world.

More praise for Tara and her Inner Circle

Ana natkins

I have clarity

“…The Inner Circle has really affected the clarity that I have around the things that I need to do. I have much more clear ideas of what I need to do to market, who my target audience is, and I have started making more money month over month in the short time I’ve been working with her…”

Watch the video to hear her describe her experience and what you can expect in the Inner Circle:

Ana N. Operations Strategist, US

What I learned paid my bills and then some!

I own a sustainability focused outdoor clothing brand, in a rural area of Northern California’s, Sierra Nevada mountain range. I’d been following Tara for YEARS, and already trusted her, but had no idea just how much knowledge and experience she had to bring to the table.

I was excitedly learning from her deep well of knowledge, changing my perspective on making money and shedding unhelpful beliefs, and was seeing massive results…

When the biggest wildfire in California’s recorded history broke out a few miles from my house.

Being evacuated, and helping support a displaced and heartbroken community was obviously not in the plans (neither were the new covid variants, or the whole manufacturing machine completely breaking down at the same time). I actually completely stopped everything business related for a second (months) there, and just focused on helping, and that was absolutely the right decision for myself, my family, and my community, because sometimes things happen and you have to deprioritize your business.

BUT even though it wasn’t realistic to reach all my goals that year, because of the mindset shifts and learning how to prioritize profit from the Inner Circle…. at the end of the year, I realized that despite the almost three months of completely dead sales during the wildfires I was still up 50% OVER last year’s profits!

What I learned inside the Inner Circle paid my bills while I took an unplanned break to help my community; it doesn’t get much better than that!

Britt H, Retail Clothing Brand, US


The biggest impact you have had on my business is your voice in my ear helping me to prioritize, make the right decisions, and move forward. You’ve helped me become aware of and navigate burnout, switching of roles in our business and home life, get through the worst agricultural drought our farm and hops business has faced, and still come within 4k of our financial goal with 2 more weeks to go! It is blowing my mind!

Stacey K, Hops Farmer & Soapmaker, Canada

Why I created The Inner Circle

We both know that information alone is not enough.

We can learn something and still not know what the hell to do with it.

We can also be so close to the problem that we can’t even see it.

This is the value of having a co-pilot.

I wanted to give other business owners the kind of mentoring I couldn’t find when I needed it:

Training + community and group coaching + unlimited 1:1 access to an Accredited Small Business Consultant®. 

I know without any doubt that every business has the potential for 6 and 7 figure success without burnout.

You just need the roadmap AND the mentoring to get you there.

And that’s what you get inside the Inner Circle.

Ready to take the next step?

Hop on an accelerated path to your dream business.

The Inner Circle

Apply today to get the ball rolling.
I look forward to your application!

Image of Kessie, small biz owner in UK

this *is* the how-to

This has been a gamechanger! I used to get so frustrated with people saying “work smarter, not harder” without any real how to’s or tips to back it up. THIS IS THE HOW TO! 

Kessie Hodges, Vintage-Inspired Clothing Brand

Earnings Disclaimer: Although this program will help you with the psychology and skills needed to build a business, no one can guarantee your results. Although all effort has been made to accurately portray potential results of this program, we can offer no guarantees that your results will match those of others. That’s 100% up to you, and as with all opportunities, your results will vary based on individual capacity, experience, expertise, circumstances, and desire. Be sure you read the full disclaimer below.

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