/ Breakthrough Coaching for small Biz owners

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A Year In a Day

The No-Stress Content Planner To Map Out 365 Days of Content...in 5 Hours or Less!

A Year In a Day

The No-Stress Content Planner To Map Out 365 Days of Content in 5 Hours or Less

What if Content Marketing was actually easy?

 What if you never had to scratch your head wondering what content to write, record, or post…

And you had a smart system to get it created that didn’t take hours every week…

AND it was so well organized you cold pass it off to a VA and kick back and relax?

With A Year In a Day there’s no need to burn yourself anymore….

You’ll learn how to create a well-organized, automated, year-long content marketing plan in less than a day.

Tell me if this sounds like you...

  • You have so many platforms to create for and aren’t quite sure what to say on any of them
  • You spend hours each week coming up with content that no one even consumes
  • You used to feel creative…but now you just feel TIRED
  • The whole process feels like a disorganized, scattered, and overwhelming mess
  • But you keep throwing noodles at the wall (and watching most of them land on the floor)…but that’s just what we’re supposed to do…right?

What if there was a way to…

  • Map out exactly what to say for 365 days – and it only took a few hours
  • Make sure your blogs, podcasts, videos, or social posts attract your DREAM clients (while repelling the “nightmares”!)
  • Keep it all streamlined and organized so the chaos no longer overwhelmed or distracted or drained you
  • Turn the biggest part of this process on autopilot so that it works behind the scenes for you all year and takes you even LESS time next year

I get it.

I was becoming exhausted with the planning and creating process of Content Marketing too.

I’d spend HOURS just trying to decide what to create, and even more time getting it put together and organized.

Finally I’d had enough…

I put my “Systems and Processes Brain” to work to develop a better approach.

And created an approach that allows anyone to map out and completely organize 365 days of Content Marketing in 5 hours or less…

So we can get back to doing the parts of our work we love most!

Allow me to present…

A Year In A Day

The No-Stress Content Planner That Maps Out 365 Days of Content in 5 Hours or Less

    • Learn the 1-time step that ensures your Content Marketing plans also hits the bullseye (nope you don’t need to do this step every year, meaning next year, it’ll take even less than 5 hours to plan your content!)
    • Discover how I come up with 100s of high-converting ideas on autopilot, without burning a single brain cell of my own, and how you can do the same thing in just minutes
    • Grab my unique Content Map Spreadsheet to plan and keep organized a year (or more) at a time
    • Steal the exact ClickUp task templates and SOPs (or duplicate them into your own project management system) to keep you and your team on track
    • And get trained up on the 3 Power Piece Planners that help you systemize your long-form, social media, and newsletter content month-by-month
Shannon Foster

“Before taking the AYID course I struggled with knowing my ideal customer and what content to post and how often I should post. This course made it so easy to create my content.

I especially liked the content map and bonus organizational toolbox sections. I am sure I will refer to this course often while planning out my content. I feel anyone could benefit from this course as it has valuable information for beginners as well as seasoned content creators. “

-Shannon Foster, Owner, Foster’s Creations

I KNOW what it’s like to struggle with limited time and energy, constantly wiping yourself out on the endless hamster wheel of Content Marketing…

But imagine if you had a better system…

Imagine if you spent one day a YEAR, instead of one day (or more) every week mapping out your content…

Imagine if you had energy to spare after writing, recording, or editing…

Imagine using those weekly reclaimed hours to go for a walk or sneak off to a matinee with a friend…

Imagine if your Content Marketing machine could be set up and left to run in the background while you did the parts of your work that you really LOVE.

That’s what A Year In a Day is here to help you do.

Rukshana Alieva

“The AYID course is absolutely brilliant. It helped me to adopt a strategic approach and mindset when it comes to my content creation on social media. I loved that the course is focused on having a deep understanding of an ideal client which is a key part of an effective social media content strategy. 

The course also helped me a lot with planning, creation and implementation of my content. There are a lot of very useful templates which keep me organised and efficient. 

This course could be taught in university as it is that good (I hold Masters in Linguistics and PR. I felt the AYID course had more substance and actionable takeaways).”

-Rukshana Alieva, Former Compliance Specialist

My name is Tara Wagner!

I’m a Breakthrough Coach for small business owners who are burning themselves out. I teach them how to use a better approach that increases their profit, but also provides them more time. (Because you can always make more money; but you can’t get back your precious hours.)

As a small business owner myself since 2000 and a coach and consultant to entrepreneurs across multiple industries, I know we all get into business for one thing: freedom. (And the money that affords it.)

There are a lot of things that go into building a business that doesn’t burn you out, and strategies and systems that save you time on things like Content Marketing are at the top of that list.

That’s why I’m excited to offer you the chance to makeover your content creation process with A Year In a Day.

Because I know firsthand the relief that comes when you can look at your schedule, realize you finished all your tasks and still have the whole day ahead of you.

And I want you to finally know that sense of freedom too. After all, that’s really why you got into business – not to spend all day creating content – but to have the freedom to actually enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Larissa Farr

You are very relatable and realistic about running an online business and having a life. Your advice is friendly and practical in a way that I find really resonates with me…

I would also like to thank you for making “A Year In A Day” so affordable. I’m currently at the beginning stages of a new business, I have no budget and I just need a quick and affordable win to get the ball rolling before I can invest in bigger programs. That said, I’m saving up for Breakthrough Boss and would love to join your program by the end of the year!”

-Larissa Farr, Owner, Larissa By Design


A Year In a Day is a DIY course that will help you map out, organize and start creating 365 days of Content Marketing in 5 hours or less.

Here’s what it entails:



In this lesson, you’ll:

  • Have the 4 things you MUST have in place BEFORE creating your 365 Content Map
  • Complete the super easy Opposites Exercise to help you determine your content niche and topics if you’re unsure
  • Create the exact number of Content Pillars you need to stand out without watering down your work
  • Know which kinds of content keep working for you long after you create them (so you can save even more time in the future)


Content Farming

In this lesson, you’ll:

  • Avoid attracting the wrong clients or customers with your content
  • Discover the top reasons your content isn’t resonating with your audience, so you know what to fix
  • Save mental energy and stop coming up with content ideas yourself
  • Steal the simple automations I use to find PERFECT content ideas your DREAM audience is chomping at the bit for you to create


Content Brainstorming

This is where it starts picking up steam. In this lesson, you’ll:
  • Discover my one-of-a-kind “Search, Church, and Merch” approach to content planning that brings in new traffic quickly
  • Use the AYID Workbook to discover YEARS of content ideas in just minutes
  • Use my AYID Content Map spreadsheet to organize your endless content ideas for later use (in just minutes)


Your Content Map

And here’s where it all comes together. In this lesson, you’ll:

  • Know which type of content to focus on based on YOUR stage of business
  • Find the right content pattern and calendar that works for you and your bandwidth and ensures your content flows perfectly throughout the year 
  • Plan the best content for your biz around promotions, events, and even vacations, so that you convert more and can relax more
  • And you’ll walk away with 365 days of Content Marketing mapped out and a whole lot of free time in your calendar!

Estimated Value: $197

“Tara has picked up on things other professionals have not. She gets me to commit in ways I haven’t before. She makes me work and there are times I hate her for it, but I love her for all the work she’s helped me do for myself already!”

-Adonica Sweet, Ogopogo Tours

“But what if I get stuck coming up with ideas at all?”

I’ve got you covered with this bonus!

the stick with it strategy
Bonus #1

How To Never Run Out Of Ideas

If you find yourself staring at a blank screen and a blinking cursor too often, and you’re worried that will happen again here, I’ve got you covered.

Not only will Lessons 2-3 solve that, so will this bonus.

  • My “Ideas Everywhere” will actually train your brain to find ideas on autopilot
  • You’ll also get my exact email automation to gather ideas from your audience while you’re off doing something else
  • I’ll walk you through how to use 2 websites that will give you HUNDREDS of ideas in minutes flat
  • And I’ll show you 1 plugin and 1 service that will do the work for you

Estimated Value: $27 FREE!

“Sweet! But what do I do once I have my 365 Content Map?”

I’ve got your next steps right here!

the stick with it strategy
Bonus #2

The Power Piece Planner

Your “Power Piece” is the one piece of content that does your heavy lifting each week. For you that might be a blog post, podcast episode, YouTube video, or something else.

This bonus include 3 Power Piece Templates that will:

  • Give you my special hacks to plan alllll your other content needs around this one Power Piece to save you massive time and creative energy
  • Give you the template to ensure your Power Piece is actually powerful (so it clicks with your audience and leads to more business, not just vanity metrics)
  • Walk you through my clever tips and tricks of using these templates to save you even more time
  • Help you keep everything organized for you or your team, so that promoting your content is a breeze (not a chaotic mess of trying to find everything) – in fact, your team can do 95% of it without you!

Estimated Value: $97 FREE!

“Nice! But what about systems to help me keep the whole process from falling apart?”

Oh, that’s totally my jam! I’ve got just the toolbox for you…

the stick with it strategy
Bonus #3

The Organizational Toolbox

Systems and organization is my jam. I’m going to walk you behind the scenes of my best (SUPER SIMPLE) tools and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) to ensure the entire process – from planning to creation to distribution – stays clean, organized, and chaos-free.

In this bonus, you’ll get:

  • The #1 strategy you MUST use to stay organized and save you time with content planning
  • An entire Google Folder structure to steal with all your downloads, templates, and spreadsheet from the program in one place, so you (or your team) can keep it all clean and tidy
  • My very own ClickUp Power Piece task template, that includes all the subtasks necessary to planning and creating your Content Map, plus a full walkthrough of how to use it (or duplicate it in your own project management system)
  • My SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) template and how to use it to help your team master your Content Marketing strategies from start to finish
  • Plus even more tips and tricks we use on our team to save a minimum of 5+ hours EVERY week, keep our schedules organized around priorities, and not fry our brain cells by 3pm every day

Estimated Value: $97 FREE!

All together, A Year In a Day includes:

Total Estimated Value = $400+

“Tara helps me so much…When I think about how I used to think 9 months ago (when I first started working with her) and now, I’m amazed by the differences in how I solve problems and prioritize things in business and personal life.”

-Sara Binde, Plant-based nutritionist

Got Questions?

A Year In a Day was designed for entrepreneurs and small business owners who use Content Marketing to bring in business and sales. If you’re overwhelmed with the process of constantly coming up with new ideas and getting them created – and running out of time to do anything else in your business – this will help you streamline and simplify the process, recapturing HOURS each week that you can use for other things (like taking a break, maybe?).

If you use short or long-form content marketing to promote, market, or nurture your audience, yes!

A Year In a Day is best for small businesses or entrepreneurs who are using “long-form” content at least once weekly (i.e. blogs, podcasts, YouTube, Facebook Lives, LinkedIn blogs, etc.), as well as Instagram, Facebook, and other short-form content platforms. It will teach you how to strategize your content wek-by-week to hit more platforms in less time by repurposing/recycling the right content in the right ways. (The strategies and tools you’ll learn can also be used for TikToks and any other hot platforms that come along.)

Totally! This will help you start from scratch with systems and processes that ensure you are hitting the target, not getting lost in busywork (the death of most new businesses), and staying organized from day one.

Totes okay. You don’t need a team to implement this work, but the systems and tools you’ll gain instant access to WILL help you out when you’re ready to hire. You won’t be onboarding an employee into chaotic systems that slow down their training. You’ll have SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures – basically mini-trainings in each task they’ll be doing) ready to go so that you spend less time training them. And your content will be converting better, so that you’re making sales and can afford to outsource sooner! #win

Nice! AYID is going to be a gamechanger for you all. First of all, I’d make sure they go through the trainings with you to get familiar with the process should you ever want to outsource it to them (and that’s 100% doable!). They’ll be able to use the Power Piece Planners, Organizational Toolbox, and Content Map Spreadsheet to streamline their own steps, stay organized, and save them time (and save you man-hours that can be used elsewhere). And the Power Piece Task Template is going to be a GAMECHANGER for how you all work as a team to get each piece of content created and out into the world.

Note from Tara’s Team: It is amazing how much can get completed with minimal stress and strife when you have tools like the Power Piece Planners, Organizational Toolbox and an efficient Content Map Spreadsheet in place. As a team we can see how far we have progressed in a project and appropriately place team members on the right tasks. Honestly, I’m so grateful for Tara sharing these tools with us. It has created a successful and positive working environment that I enjoy instead of dread (and I’ve been there in previous work environments before). These tools make a a world of a difference!”  – Stephany H., Client Success Coordinator

Basically just an internet connection, a free Google account, and whatever you prefer to export to. You’ll receive a login to the course where you can download the workbook (PDF) and all the templates are created in a way that makes them easy to export to other platforms you might want to use. 

  • The Content Map spreadsheet is a Google spreadsheet but can be downloaded to use with any of your preferred softwares. 
  • The Power Piece Planners are Google docs that can be downloaded as Word docs, PDFs, etc. 
  • The Power Piece Task Template (with all the subtasks to help you get your content out into the world) is a ClickUp template, but if you don’t have ClickUp you can always get a free account just to access the template and export it to your preferred platform. 
  • The SOP template is within that ClickUp template as well.

I get you! Life is distracting, and something like 3% of programs are actually completed. But we’ve baked motivation right into our program! We host AYID on Xperiencify which gamifies the whole process – including points, celebrations, and little surprises that make the whole thing ADDICTIVE. Which is why our completion rate is 80%+ for programs like these! So basically, I got you, boo!

Foreverrrrrrrr! You’ll even get updates to any changes or additions I make to the program. 🙂 

All forms of credit card are accepted through a secure shopping cart. There’s no payment plans, other than the payments you could choose to make through your card.

Because this program is digital and too easy to implement and then return, I do not offer refunds. But I am a stickler for your success and satisfaction, so if you find something’s missing for you, let me know and I’ll see what I can do to make sure you get results.

In 5 hours or less, yes. However, it’s actually optimal if you can split that into two days – 2 hours the first day and 3 hours a few days after that. This is because Lesson 2 is going to teach you a trick that you’ll want to run for a couple days. That said, you don’t have to use that trick and there are alternatives should you choose to move faster or do it all at once.

Hit us up! You can email my team at [email protected] and they or I will be 100% truthful. We’re not here to just make a sale. We’re here to make sure the right people get the right tools for their needs.
Brittany Wilkerson

“A Year In a Day was so helpful. It gave me the clarity and confidence I needed for creating my content, which is something I have struggled with for so long. I’m so grateful to Tara for this course. You will not regret purchasing this course.”

-Brittany Wilkerson, Owner, Story Changers

A Year In a Day is for you if…

A Year In a Day is NOT for you if…

Ready to dive in?
Here’s how to get started…

  1. Click the link below to add “A Year In a Day” to your cart
  2. Fill out the details and complete your order
  3. You’ll receive a welcome email (usually within 3-5 minutes; check your spam filters) with your program login details
  4. Once you login, you’ll find all your lessons and bonuses* and can create your 365 Day Content Map in 5 hours or less!
P.S. You’ll keep LIFETIME access to the program, including any updates I make!

“If you have a lot on your plate and need help focusing your energy on doing the productive things, not just all the things, Tara’s your gal.

-Nicole Lynn, Artist and Creative Guide, Whole Hearted Art

Just imagine where you could be one week from now…

Sipping iced tea or coffee on the patio, watching the birds in the trees…

BORED OUT OF YOUR MIND because you have nothing left to do when it comes to your Content Marketing.

It’s all done, mapped out, created, ready to launch (or better yet, be launched by your team)…

And now your biggest problem is deciding what to do with your free time.

How about that fun challenge for a change? 🥰

“The first thing that you recognize in Tara is that she is authentic. Because of this, there is immediate trust because she walks the talk. She takes care of herself first so she can help others. She is the Boss Lady for living your best life with balance and integrity, mixed with a sense of calm and sprinkled with laughter. Let Tara guide you in your entrepreneurial journey because it’s not all about the work, it’s about the self-love too.”
-Jennifer Owen, Owner “Brave and Unemployed” Coaching

A Year In a Day:

The No-Stress Content Planner To Map Out 365 Days of Content in 5 Hours or Less

  • Map out exactly what to create for your blog, podcast, YouTube, and/or fave social media outlets over the next 365 days…in just HOURS
  • Attract your DREAM audience (while repelling the “nightmares”!) 
  • Keep it all streamlined and organized so the chaos no longer overwhelms or distracts you 
  • Steal all my best templates, SOPs, planners, and organizational tools to keep you sane (and your team on track without you)
  • And turn the biggest part of this process on autopilot so that it works behind the scenes for you all year and takes you HALF the time next year! 🕺
“It feels amazing to have both the clarity and the step-by-step process laid out in front of me that is tailored to my exact needs and situation! (I could not wait to start with the first step the next morning!)”

-Zsuzsanna Smith, Educational Consultant

Results & Earnings Disclaimer: Although all effort has been made to accurately portray potential results of our classes and programs, including A Year In a Day, we can offer no guarantees that you, your mindset, or your business will be successful or that your results will match those of others. That’s 100% up to you, and as with all opportunities, your results will vary based on individual capacity, experience, expertise, and desire. Be sure you read the full disclaimer below.