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Are You Losing Motivation? This Is The Real Trick To Staying Motivated Through Hard Goals

pouring oil out on to hand

DIY Essential Oil Blend for Anxious, Worried, Overwhelmed Empaths

This is my favorite DIY Blend of essential oils for anxious, worried, overwhelmed empaths who are soaking up the stress of the world and feeling bogged down by it all.
Motivate Encouraging Blend Marble Background with Picture of affirmationss "i turn every experience into an opportunity"

3 Essential Oils for Waking Up with Energy, Alertness, + Positivity

We all know how we start our day tends to determine how that day goes. Using these 3 essential oils for waking up with energy, alertness, and positivity helps you start your day on the right foot.
Tara out of focus holding Wild Orange essential oil bottle focused

The Oil of Abundance and POSSIBILITY | Wild Orange Essential Oil Uses

This blog is a deep dive into the physical and emotional uses of Wild Orange essential oil and how it impacts our sense of abundance and possibility. If you need an aroma-hack to help you get unstuck, embrace change, find the stamina and energy, and experience more joy, lets get oily!
Tara's hands filling a diffuser on her desk

My Top 5 Essential Oils for Relaxation (Body & Mind)

Not that any of us have any reason to be stressed, 😂 but here’s the top 5 essential oils for relaxation in case you are!
Tara holding essential oil bottles in the palm of her hand confidently smiling

5 Essential Oils for Confidence

I’m sharing five of my favorite essential oils for confidence and showing you how to mix them into a DIY roller blend, to create a self-confidence perfume.
Tara pouring oil into her hand

Essential Oils For Sleep. How I Turn My Brain Off At The End Of A Long Day

This blog is going to show you how to use essential oils for sleep, to help your body and your brain shut down as well as show you some of my favorite oils.
The word"focus" out of focus

5 Essential Oils for Focus, Concentration, and Energy to Get Shizzy Done

Need some Liquid Focus? In this post I’m sharing 5 blends of essential oils for focus to get and stay clear, eliminate distraction and procrastination, and have the energy to get shizzy done.
Tara wearing a white shirt, holding a Wild Orange essential oil bottle with white background and large house plant

9 Essential Oils for Abundance and Your Money Mindset

Scarcity-shmarcity! There’s an oil for that! In fact, I’ve got 9 essential oils for abundance to tackle the topic from every angle: mindset, creativity, gratitude, security, judgment, trust…oh yeah, I got you, boo.
Tara out of focus holding Wild Orange essential oil bottle focused

Best Essential Oils for Stress Relief? (How to Choose the Right Oil for You)

EVERY essential oil impacts how you feel, so how do you choose the BEST essential oils for stress relief when they’re ALL recommended? You learn which categories of essential oils impact different kinds of stress!
Lemongrass Essential oil bottle on wooden table

Top 5 Essential Oils for Negative Energy

Just a head’s up that we are going to get a little woo-woo in this video. I’m going to be introducing you to five essential oils for negative energy, or energetic boundaries, the theories on how they work, and how to use them in different scenarios.