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Words By Tara Wagner

3 Reasons You Should Be Batching Tasks AND Content In Your Biz

Tara in home office going through a binder of papers

What? You’re not batching your tasks? Are you crazy?

Let me just tell you all the reasons why you’re going to love batching. You can thank me later.

Watch here or read below.

3 Reasons You Should Be Batching Tasks AND Content in Your Biz Click To Tweet

I am absolutely shocked how few people batch their tasks or understand the value of it, because it’s that important and thatgood.

So, you’ve probably heard, there’s no such thing as multi-tasking right? We’re never really doing two things at one.

We’re really just bouncing from one thing to the next reallyquickly.

And the science on this is pretty clear that it is not good for our brains or our health. It impairs focus, our learning, it shortens our attention spans, affects our mindfulness and basically, it stresses us the F out.

Well, when we’re not batching tasks we are essentially multi-tasking by moving too quickly from thing to thing, focusing on too much, spreading ourselves too thin and affecting our productivity.

Which costs us a lot of time and a lot of traction.

We end up feeling like we’re all over the place and yet not able to move forward because we feel like we have too much going on. And we do when we’re not batching our tasks and our time efficiently and effectively.

This is reason #1 why you need to be batching tasks or content or anything in your business…


Reason #1 you should be batching tasks is due to increased productivity.

We lose most of our productivity to transition times.

On average, it takes us 25 minutes to get fully into the flow of a project, or back into that project if that task was interrupted.

Tara and Justin sitting on a couch in their living room  on a laptop

Let’s take the example of an Instagram post.

If you’re creating a new post every day, it’s going to take you 25 minutes just to get into the groove. This means that one single post could end up taking you 45 to 60 minutes, to create the image, get the caption just right, and get it uploaded.

But now, what if you were to batch that task? What if you were to do five of those?

You take 25 minutes to get into the flow and then you start hammering out all of this content. Pretty soon, it’s taking you 60 minutes to do five or 10 or even 20 of these posts as you get really good at batching these tasks.


Reason number two you need to be batching your tasks or your content is to avoid the increased risk of rabbit holes.

Every break that you have between major tasks, or a batch of tasks, equals an increased chance of being pulled in the wrong direction.

We’ve all been there where you decide to just pop into your email in between your tasks, and then it reminds you of a Facebook message you forgot to reply, where you then see new activity in your groups, including an article on a new Instagram algorithm change, which leaves you to wanting to Google ways to increase your Instagram engagement, which leads to a video on YouTube and before you know it, you’re watching some guy named PewDiePie and trying to figure out WHY IN THE WORLD he has so many subscribers!

I don’t have any idea what that’s like, but I’m sure that you do.  Rabbit holes, people!

person sitting on wood floor with laptop


Reason number three, why you should be batching your tasks or content is all about getting into that state of flow, getting into the zone.

I mentioned this before with the Instagram post where when we get into that flow, things just start moving. We get so much more done, BUT it’s not only about getting stuff done, it’s also about the quality of what we can get done when we are in that flow state.

That state of flow requires enough time and attention spent on one thing, focused in one area, or in one direction. We can’t get into that flow state if we’re jumping from an Instagram post to search engine optimization to a phone call to research.

Our brain is shifting too many gears and it starts to feel like a grind.

When your brain is switching too many gears it starts to feel like a GRIND. Click To Tweet

Now, if you don’t think you have the extra time to start batching, that can be a real challenge, but I want you to come back next week because I’m going tell you how to startbatching, especially if you do not have time.


You might also be wondering what can possibly be batched to save you time.

Naturally this is going to vary based on your niche and your industry, but to get you started I’ve created a batching brainstorm.

It includes a 101 ideas of things that you can start batching in your business or in your life.

It’s a collaboration between me and many other female entrepreneurs who chimed in on the things that they are batching to save them time, increase productivity, and get them into that flow state.

You can grab Batching Brainstorm download for free by clicking the image below or click here to learn more.


Comment below and let us all know where YOU batch tasks in your business, or where you’d like to start to start saving time.

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Picture of Tara Wagner

Tara Wagner

I’m Tara Wagner, creator of the Breakthrough Boss®. I help small biz owners overcome burnout and create part-time schedules with full-time profits. Not with some new marketing strategy, but with a holistic approach to how you operate.
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