/ Breakthrough Coaching for Bosses Who Mean Business

The Live 5 Day "Get Out of Your Own Way" Challenge Has Ended But You Can still Get Lifetime Access to the Whole Shebang!

This Is What You'll Keep Forever:

what other entrepreneurs are saying (and doing) because of the 5 day 'GOYOW' challenge and the Breakthrough Boss Inner Circle:

About Your Coach

Picture of Hey, I'm Tara Wagner!

Hey, I'm Tara Wagner!

I’m the Breakthrough Coach for female entrepreneurs ready to overcome their limiting beliefs, and bad habits, so they can crush their goals, not their soul.

With 10 years experience with Belief Breakthrough Coaching, I’m known for practical, actionable, step-by-step guidance and realistic, down-to-earth approaches that actually work. I’m also known for making a deep, messy topic a lot more fun, and helping you not take it all too seriously, with side orders of a swift-kick-in-the-butt (delivered with love) and the occasional soapbox of inspirational preachin’ that gets seems to contain the exact words you need to hear to get moving.

And hey, I know a course like this comes with doubts...

Is it legit? Is it fluff? Is it just ME that this stuff doesn’t work for?

Yes, no, and nope. That’s why I do what I do.

I want you to finally see that the only difference between you and “those successful women over there” is that they have better tools to handle the smack-talking BS between our ears.

I want to give you those tools.

And I want to support you as you learn how to use them.

There are a lot of ways you can invest in your business, but they all work better when we invest in the person who needs to execute on all those plans. (That’s you, boss lady. It’s your turn to uplevel.)

If you're serious about your own success, I look forward to having you in the Breakthrough Boss Inner Circle.